There may be rather numerous objects of grace, articles of elegance, that capture otherwise contradistinct hearts, and then there is one that all look up to - the moon. Undeniably splendid as it evokes a concoction of varied emotion, it opens out in you the deepest love. Many a night she stood by the window as the delicate drapery fluttered in the gentle breeze of an oncoming pleasant spring night hoping for some insight, wondering whether the rays that shone so bright would bring with it a glimmer of hope for the much tormented soul of a poor mortal unable to handle the variables of her very existence. Every blossoming day brought with it a new angle to an already contorted situation making the simple prismatic effect rather a far cry and unpleasantly psychedelic. As your heart is leaping bounds in unspoken joy, there is a subconscious force pulling you back and is unallowing in proceeding fruther without killing the ego of uncertainty. The carte blanche may be hard to derive and every turn along the way has you anxious of what is to come, but at the end of the day, it is how you choose to move on, move along, how you choose to survive. Life brings with it a whole pallet of assorted problems and for some the package looms larger than it looks. In situ, what you do matters more than what you could have done or should do. The factors that influence your life lie in your hands alone and if a certain consequence ensues with relative respect, then that too is of your own making. It is for us to realize that nobody can bring about the change we want to see, for we've all been born different and if you want to see something happen, then go out there and make it happen. It doesn't help to further worry and analyze permutations and combinations. Follow your heart. You and only you know exactly where it is leading you and where it will. Second chances are fair for us to give another but whether we will be given one remains ambiguous. Every step forward is in pursuit of your dream and every action is only to fulfill it. Life itself happens just once. Don't think. Don't say. Don't feel. Just DO it.