Saturday, December 10, 2011

Mettle Mystique

The uniqueness of character is rather misconstrued. What is acquired cannot be ascribed to what is congenitally inherent. And yet, we shun, into an omnipresent void, the mental faculty that empowers calculated judgment. 
The ameliorable position we self-assign is much too comfortable to leave. But should it be? Why the fear?
It takes a harsher beating and becomes inexplicably labyrinthine when it comes face to face through you against the people you love. Your unchangeable stoicism versus effusive enthusiasm. Every considerate appeal to welcome refining transformation is hastily palmed off. 
 It is ironic how negative influences, ideally to be disavowed, are not sieved and easily allowed to permeate, while anything remotely positive requires boardroom discussion between the angel and the demon in our heads. And even that in more cases than not proves to be of no avail as we pathetically succumb. The many mind games we play with ourselves seem to never tire out. But our tolerance to see another player in the arena quickly dwindles. While our action affects that other, sometimes irreparably, it cannot, to the stubborn mind, bear any responsibility on him to bring that forth or play the quarterback. Convoluted and chaotic a state of mind we call collected. What may not be so obviously evident at this point that on one unpredictable and fine-weathered day, it is all going to cannonade into something frantically fractious.
While each instance may effervescently fizz out, that same loved one holds your hand and puts you back up on a pedestal. Unconditional love but only allows vision through coloured glass. And our flaw, conveniently forgotten. Is it a repetitive sequence with no solution? The positive that is to be culled out is consigned to oblivion without a hitch until the next glitch takes you to a new rock bottom. Staying on an erratic edge in perpetuity will one day push you over. 
Darkness cannot but be overcome with the absence of it; and that we call light. And attempting to run afar from it is futile for you yield no different result. When each situation amplifies the hostility you hold against yourself, living itself will become deadweight. Every consummate concoction of the perfection potion bears one key ingredient: the ability to welcome change. That day when humility holds a higher place and you can unassumingly accept to consider that which another holds in capital position, is the day you'll learn why you were previously cut and bruised. Also, it isn't enough if we designate blame to the cause but have the reasoning to see reason. 

"I stand amid the roar
Of a surf tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep, while I weep!
O God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?"
~ Edgar Allan Poe.